EPS@ISEP | The European Project Semester (EPS) at ISEP


Weekly Report

1st Week Report

During the first week, we did some team building where we completed challenges, attitude test and exercises. Overal, we got to know each other better! Our team also attended some welcome sessions and introductory classes. We got to know the way of working and all the different platforms, on thursday we learned about the projects we could choose from.

2nd Week Report

This week we had some more introductory classes and a design thinking workshop. This enabled us to start thinking about the project we had chosen; ergonomic and reconfigurable furniture. We made user journeys, empathy maps, … During this second week we also started to do some research for the state of the art.

3rd Week Report

This week we had classes and focused more on the project management; we made an initial backlog, sprint-plan, … We're still writing the State of The Art and are focusing on defining the scope of the project.

4th Week Report

This week was also filled with classes. On thursday, we presented two ideas to the supervisors; adjustable school furniture and a flexible home desk.

5th Week Report

This week was a bit shorter because of Easter holidays. We finalized our tech course classes and presented our final proposal; a flexible home desk. We'll continue by making some sketches and thinking about the features we want to include in our desk.

6th Week Report

This week was also shorter due the Easter holidays. We worked on the chapters of the report in preparation for the interim report and started working on the cardboard model.

7th Week Report

This week we each worked on our chapters of the interim report and started making the presentation.

8th Week Report

We finalized the interim report and presentation, rehearsed it and then presented our work on thursday.

9th Week Report

This week we worked on our 3D model and started with the table of materials, something we should have started on. We also had a follow up team-building session and worked on the flyer.

10th Week Report

This week we worked on our final sustainability presentation in which we explain the measures we'll take to be more sustainable. We also worked on the leaflet.

11th Week Report

We each worked on our individual chapters following feedback. The 3D model is seperated in two parts; Gabriel is working on the mechanism and Anastasia on the wooden components (boxes+tabletop). We are making up our final list of materials needed for the prototype.

12th Week Report

We are finalizing the 3D model and purchasing materials for the prototype.

13th Week Report

We have sended the individual chapters to the professors, asking for feedback. The 3D model of the boxes is done and we're making technical drawings. The mechanism needs some more thought because there are some problems with the dimensions.

14th Week Report

This week we presented our marketing plan and our communication materials; the paper (draft), leaflet, poster (draft) and manual (draft). We further worked on the 3D model of the mechanism and discussed our doubts with the supervisors.

15th Week Report

The 3D model is finalized but we can't seem to reach our predetermined height of 120cm. We're looking into different mechanisms that can reach the additional 15cm we need for an ergonomic standing position.


1st Meeting (2021-03-04)


  1. Presentation
  2. Modus operandi
  3. Project proposals
  4. Electronic logbook (Wiki)


During the first meeting we got to know all the different projects we get to choose from. Aside from the projects, we also got to know each other better!

2nd Meeting (2021-03-11)


  1. Discuss the definition of reconfigurable
  2. Research on the topic
  3. Define problem/context/situation we want to work in
  4. Expectations for the final product


During the second meeting we discussed some organizational matters, we were introduced to new task, which was to look for articles and put it into state of art.

3rd meeting (2021-03-18)


  1. Request feedback on the backlog and other wiki subjects
  2. Do we need to discuss competitors seperatly? If yes, where?
  3. Information about next deadline (black box)
  4. Feedback of state of the art (until now); keep this lay-out? More fluent text?


We've started this meeting with a quick analysis of our state of the art. Then we have discussed some details about the report, where to include the analysis of competitors and we asked about the details of black box diagrams. Lastly we were given feedback on backlog, sprint plans and Gantt Chart. After this meeting things are more clear and we're getting straight to work.

4rd meeting (2021-03-25)


  1. Two proposals on teams; feedback on making a choice
  2. Feedback on blackbox
  3. Feedback on state of art
  4. Interim report; what should it contain?


During this meeting we started things off with presenting our two initial ideas to the supervisors. Then we got feedback on blackbox diagram, which needed some improvements and feedback on state of art which was better. Finally we've asked about the interim report and after supervisors explained us everything, we continued our work.

5th meeting (2021-03-31)


  1. Short review of the main proposal - home desk
  2. Feedback on the features
  3. Info about System Schematics & Structural Drawings


During this meeting most of the time we dedicated to discussing our initial idea which is a desk to work from home, with movable parts that go up and down. We also discussed all the deadlines that we have to follow.

6th meeting (2021-04-08)


  1. Present sketches
  2. Discuss features (integrated power/lamp)
  3. Next steps? Cardboard model?
  4. Feedback marketing strategy


During this meeting we have presented the desk sketches to the supervisors. Then we focused on discussing the features like having charging ports, lamp, laptop stand and drawers. We received feedback on our marketing strategy and asked if we followed the right path with ongoing things.

7th meeting (2021-04-14)


  1. Information and questions about interim deliverables (word file?) and presentation
  2. Feedback on mechanism and materials


We discussed some details about the content and place of the midterm presentation. After presenting the different mechanisms, we were advised to think about a manual and electrical system to lift the desk.

8th meeting (2021-04-28)


  1. Present what we worked on
  2. Discuss chosen materials
  3. Discuss chosen mechanism


During this meeting we have shown the progress that we've made. We've presented both tables in the report with materials of the table top and the legs. We have also discussed the list of lifting mechanisms that we have prepared.

9th meeting (2021-05-06)


  1. Present what we have worked on
  2. Discuss chosen materials and features


During this meeting, as usual, we have shown what have we done so far. We've shown the 3D model, and we have discussed features of the desk, like the lamp, charging ports, whether our desk will have a battery or not. We were given some tips on what to do next.

10th meeting (2021-05-12)


  1. Feedback about packaging solutions
  2. Feedback about the updated list of materials
  3. Questions about the final version of the interim report


During this meeting we have shown our proposed packaging solutions and we were given a feedback on it. Also we have received some tips about the list of materials. Lastly we have asked about the final version of the interim report, after that we knew in what direction we should go.

11th meeting (2021-05-20)


  1. Questions about the prototype materials and construction
  2. Questions 3D model
  3. Questions about the paper


During this meeting we started things off with showing our 3D model and we have asked questions about how we can improve it. Next we have discussed the prototype and how to construct it, what materials should we use. The last thing that we have discussed was the paper. After we got the instructions, we have got straight to work.

12th meeting (2021-05-28)


  1. Present list of materials for the prototype
  2. Questions on flatpacking with/without runners
  3. The next deadline


During this meeting we have presented the way we will construct the prototype. Next we have discussed the packing. Lastly we have asked about the upcoming deadlines in order to deliver them on time.

13th meeting (2021-06-02)


  1. Mechanism - explanations and suggestions
  2. Prototype questions: glue hinges
  3. Get to work


We explained our idea for the mechanism, this time showing the right drawings etc. which made things more clear. Some questions arose that we'll look into. We asked some of our questions regarding the prototype and received some additional components like hinges and arduino tools.

14th meeting (2021-06-09)


  1. Questions on Arduino and soldering
  2. Mechanism problem
  3. Question on 3D video
  4. Logbook activities?


During this meeting we started things off with some question about electrical equipment, Arduino and how to solder it. Then we moved on to our main problem which was mechanism. We were given instructions and adjusted to them. Finally we have talked about 3D visualization of our product.

15th meeting (2021-06-17)


  1. Question about the LED Auto Sensor Lamp - May you provide a new LED for us?
  2. 3D Model video
  3. Final presentation description - how is it going to be and assessment


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